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2 Ways Your Energy Is Being Secretly Siphoned (And How To Get It Back)

Not getting enough sleep is the most commonly cited reason for exhaustion. However, if you get plenty of sleep and still don’t feel rested, you’ve got some investigating to do. Aside from a serious medical condition, there are two common factors that contribute to exhaustion, especially for people with an active social life. Here are two ways your energy is being depleted, and what you can do about it: 1. Over-promising Over-promising siphons your energy more than anything else. There are two ways this happens: Following through with every commitment you make, just for the sake of being able to say you didn’t bail. This is an honorable approach, but unwise. Naturally, you want to honor your word and maintain...

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Bamboo is Best. Sleep on It. You’ll See.

As the world becomes more and more aware of the extreme realities of climate change and global warming, it’s time (in fact, long overdue) that we turn to better ways of finding solutions. When we act on things such as restoring degraded land and reforesting it with bamboo (which replenishes itself in only three to five years), we are moving in the right direction. Bamboo has so many proven, tested uses it’s difficult to count them all. From construction to medicine, biofuel to fabric, food and beverage to electronics. Did you know that bamboo is 40 percent more absorbent than even the finest organic cotton? So, fabrics made from bamboo wick moisture away from the skin much faster, keeping you...

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